Saturday, January 10, 2009

Holidays are Torture on my Averages

With the holidays came lots of good food. Why does this always happen to me? Because I have no self-control? That would be it. I made candy for Christmas for my non-diabetic friends and family members and sampled too much of my own creation. I think that my average according to my ping meter is around 165 for the 3 month. It's a little better at 157 for the past month. I try not to beat myself up too much. I don't want to be too discouraged about falling off the wagon during the Holidays or else I might lose heart and give up the fight and that's not gonna happen. Well what else do I have to report? Oh yes, I still love the ping! I recently received my updated meter that Animas sent out. There was a software problem in the earlier meter remotes in which one might get the wrong amount of insulin if bolus was given via the meter. I don't use the food database that much. I still have yet to put in my favorites but I will get around to it soon. The other thing I need to do is get some of those tunes for my pump. And the scratching issue with the pump bugs me. I strongly urge everyone to get a cover for their pump and be very careful bumping into things. It seems this pump gets scratched up much easier than my old minimed paradigm did.

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