Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Blessing in Disguise

I had been due for a new insulin pump since last fall but approval was rejected by my insurance.
I just couldn't understand why this was happening to me. It's hard enough to live with
diabetes without your insurance company fighting you over what you KNOW you must have to control it. I was angry, yet it seemed there was nothing I could do. I had hit a brick wall in dealing with these people (insurance company) and the pump company I was trying to get a new pump through had had no better luck with them either. No matter that we had the letter of medical necessity and all the other paperwork we were told to get to them. Finally I just threw my hands up and said to myself that I would just leave it in God's hands and if I don't get a pump then so be it. If something happens to mine that is out of warranty, I would just have to go back to injections of humalog and lantus. Now I didn't want to do this because the shots I didn't mind, it's just that multiple daily injections did NOT control my diabetes like the insulin pump did.
Fast forward to August of this year. I had my endocrinologist appointment and was asked if I had a new pump yet. I once again told the story to my doctor about being denied one by our insurance and he said that he would take care of things. Within 2 days I received a call from Animas and was told that they were going to be faxing the forms for me to fill out. I got that done the same day. Within a week I was told the good news that I had finally been approved for my new pump.

There is a moral to this story. Had I been approved for a new pump last fall, I would have not been able to get the new "One Touch Ping" insulin pump from Animas. This pump only was only released to the public this year and only started shipping in mid August. So sometimes when it seems like all we have in front of us is obstacles that keep us from what we think we need, it is really just a blessing in disguise. I am living proof :)

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