Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Recent Hb1ac.. I am pleased!

Happy to report that my last hb1ac was 7.4 down from the whopping 8.7. I had hoped for it to be lower but I see now that this is just going to take more time. I'm not beating myself up too much over it not being lower. I had lost some weight and found that I was taking too much basal. Now my settings are as follows:
  • 12:00 am-1:30 am-.55
  • 1:30 - 5:00 am- .60
  • 5:00 am- 1:30 pm-.50
  • 1:30 pm-4:30 pm-52.5
I've been satisfied with this new Animas ping pump and meter. It's getting the job done. I find I still don't use the food menu carb counter feature but plan on it in the future. My endocrinologist suggested I should lower my basal rate at my last appointment. As I said I had lost weight but another reason to lower my basals were due to the fact that I was not taking in enough bolus insulin. My ratios were totally off. Started a new job and found I was running around skipping lunch every once in a while. Until I get used to this job I can count on it being up and down I guess. Let's see, what else to report..I have almost denied myself pizza altogether. I know I could use my bolus setting for a square and could maybe have pizza but right now it just isn't worth the hassle. I think only once in the past month have I had pizza and I stopped myself at one slice. Before this I would have maybe 4 or 5 and that carb load was really too much for me. I took my bolus all at once, I would go low. I scattered it about over 6 hours like I have been told to do and I would still be 300+ come morning time. Another thing to report is I am getting much better at pacing myself when it comes to activity and am suffering less lows now.