Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bedtime Snacks

I have a really bad habit of snacking at bedtime. And as any diabetic will tell you, it is a tough habit to break until you get like me and finally decide that no matter how good that food is going to taste, it isn't worth the highs you will fight come morning. I love popcorn, and not just any kind of popcorn but that aged white cheddar popcorn which is full of carbs. I cannot bring myself to eat only a half a cup...I have to end up eating 3 servings :( I know, I'm bad. So lately I've been settling on an apple. I suppose you might call it a compromise. But it seems no matter how small the carb amount I take in before bedtime, I deal with skyrocketing numbers in the morning. I think I'm going to try going to bed without snacking ANY tonight and see what happens with my numbers. It's a struggle to be sure. One thing I've found that I like is the Adkins snack bars (my favorite is the peanut butter). Subtracting the fiber, they are only around 11 net carbs. They are pricey though. The cost is around $7.00 for a box of 5. Why do diabetes friendly foods have to cost so much?

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