Friday, September 24, 2010

I-Phone/Glucose Meter Combo?

According to a recent news article, Sanofi Aventis is prepping combination hardware/software to turn the iPhone into a blood glucose meter. I own an Iphone, but I have a hard time envisioning it to monitor my glucose levels. In the first place, without lugging around my meter I wouldn't know what to do with myself. In the second place, what would happen if in the middle of a blood check I get a text or call? No worries, I'm sure the masterminds at Apple will figure that one out. I would much rather check into the new blood glucose smart tattoos on the horizon. They sound really promising and not a one of us diabetics would miss those pesky little strips! Speaking of glucose meters, during a glucose check last week using my USB meter, my sugar read 77. I was sure this couldn't be right as I felt fine and if anything, a little high. I dug out my old contour meter and the reading was 177! The USB may not be all it was cracked up to be. I haven't had another inaccurate reading from it since then but I'm on my guard now.

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